Scarborough Historical Pageant

Scarborough Historical Pageant

Our exhibition about the Scarborough Historical Pageant of 1912 was held in the Scarborough Art Gallery from 12 September to 10 October 2016. It proved a great success there, and moved to Scarborough Library, where it ran between 17 October and 22 November. We were also invited by North Yorkshire County Record Office to present our exhibition at their annual ‘Archives at Dusk’ event on 18 May 2017, and the exhibition was subsequently displayed at the County Record Office in Northallerton from May to August 2017.

The exhibition told the story of the one of the many large historical pageants in the Edwardian period. It included a wealth of information and photographs, as well as reproductions of pageant costumes and life-size figures from the historical pageant.

The exhibition was staged by the Redress of the Past project in association with our project partners the Scarborough Museums Trust (SMT) and the Scarborough Archaeological and Historical Society (SAHS).

There is a selection of pictures from the exhibition in the Scarborough Art Gallery below.

General view of exhibition

Scarborough exhibition prehistoric costume

Scarborough Exhibition: Souvenirs and publicity

Scarborough Exhibition: Friar's costume

You can see the original exhibition announcement here.